Distant Reiki Services
Reiki is a healing art that originated in Japan. Reiki healing is done by a certified Reiki practitioner, who has completed classes and has received Reiki “attunement” by a Reiki Master Teacher.
This form of energy work can help facilitate healing on multiple levels - physical, mental, and emotional. (Note: Reiki does not replace any form of medical or mental health treatment.) Reiki is often done on the chakras and/or specific troublesome areas of the body. Reiki cannot cause any harm, in any way, and can be done on anyone of any age. Reiki does not need to be in-person, as a practitioner can send healing Reiki energy to the client, at a distance. This is called Distant Reiki.
Though not absolutely required, it is highly recommended to have uninterrupted free time and space during your Distant Reiki session, in order to fully allow yourself to open and receive the benefits of Reiki.
Distant Reiki Session Options:
20 MIN: $22
30 MIN: $33
45 MIN: $44
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IG: @Karmic_Collections (send DM)
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